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Friday, November 14, 2014

What Do You Do When You're Depressed? Art, Of Course!

I have suffered from pretty severe depression the last three and a half years or so.  I've dealt with highs, lows, self-harm, and even suicidal thoughts.  It's been difficult and trying beyond explanation. One of the ways I tried to deal with it was through artwork.  I find it incredibly therapeutic and it's a great release of emotion.  It's a way to convey things that are near impossible to explain verbally or things that are just too difficult or personal to talk about.  Here are my depression/darker pieces, let me know what you think by leaving a comment!

 This following piece is the only one I am going to give a description about, because to try to explain the rest in words would take away from what they are trying to say.  This next one was created from a short story that I wrote, which basically describes the doors as blocking my way from going through the pain in order to get better.  You can't see it in this photo, but behind the black inside the door are many small words that overlap, saying things like, "Dead," "Gone," "So alone," etc.

This is probably one of my most personal pieces, along with the second picture on this post, the one with the blade.

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