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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Pastel Portraits

This was my first real foray into the world of pastels, and I decided to go with trying some portraits.  Once again, I worked off of photographs for all of these, but in the end, they don't really look like the people they're based off of.  Ha!  I'm just not that good at this point.  These were done in 2012.  

This first portrait was supposed to be of my younger cousin Rosanna.  But to me, it just looks like a generic face.  I mean, let's be honest for a second.  Drawing faces is hard.  It might not seem like it, but go ahead and give it a try.  I bet it'll be harder than you think! I know the nose is too big and long, which makes the face look very long, but you know what?  I like it anyways. :)
My cousin Rosanna
 The next portrait doesn't really look realistic at all.  But, you can definitely tell who it is supposed to be, so I guess that's an improvement over the last portrait!  I made this as a present for my friend Elizabeth.  I think this was in my second semester, sophomore year of college.
My Roommate Elizabeth
 This final picture does not look like my friend Jes at all, except for maybe the eyes.  The hair is too orange for her, because at this point she was mostly still a blonde, and to be quite honest, I've had several people ask me, "Is that a picture of a girl or a guy?"  Haha.  Them having to ask definitely tells you something, and it's not good...
My friend Jes

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