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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Acrylic Adventures


This is not my favorite acrylic painting that I've done.  But I've included it here because I like the even tone of the background and the blue lines.  But that's about it.  Sometimes when working on a painting that isn't turning out the way you want, you just have to look for the positives.

I love making crazily lined drawings, especially in Sharpie.  This is not, obviously, in Sharpie since it's on my Acrylic Adventures page.  So it's in... you guessed it!  Acrylic.  Done on canvas.

This crazily lined acrylic is a bit more graceful than the previous one because of the thinner lines.  This painting also has brighter colors than the last one because I didn't put the black over top of it like I did on the last one.  Done on canvas.

This next work was done on multi-purpose paper.  It held up pretty well with the acrylic paint.  This is based off of a photo I took in South Dakota years ago. 

This was really one of the first times I'd really worked with acrylic paints, at least as far as landscapes goes.  I went to a class with my aunt at the Troy Community Center (I think) and we watched as the teacher painted a picture.  We copied what he was doing and this is what happened.  My favorite part of the picture was the tree.  I painted the trunk first in brown, then brushed on the green foliage.  Afterwards I took some yellow and highlighted the right side of the tree (where the light was coming from 

This final picture was one that I tried to do "out of my head." By that I mean that I wasn't looking at anything when I tried to draw it.  That's probably why I don't think it turn out as well as some of my other pieces.  Nevertheless, I do like the grass in the picture.  It seems to have depth and isn't just one big mass of solid green color.

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