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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Basic Drawing I Class - Junior Year of College 2013

These pieces were created in 2013, during my Basic Drawing I class taught by Bruce McCombs.  All of these were drawn, not only off of pictures, but also of real objects sitting in the room in front of me (Yes, even the rib cage; we had an actual skeleton to work off of). 

This first drawing of the rib cage is incomplete.  I did finish it, but I gave it to my teacher and forgot to capture a picture of the final project.  The rib cage itself and the spine and vertebrae were drawn in pen, with lines and cross hatching to darken certain areas.  The background is... can you guess?  Sharpie!  I love sharpies and decided to do an intricate, somewhat abstract background using multiple colors.  

 This second piece (yes, those are my feel in the picture) is of a tricycle.  The entire tricycle is done in pen and ink, with the background being orange/red chalk (I think my teacher called it "cani chalk" but I can't find that name anywhere online, so.....).  The very bottom is in black, charcoal I believe.  It's basically a drawing of a person doing a drawing of a tricycle.

 This is another drawing of the same tricycle.  I had finished the first one and was sitting in class with nothing to do.  We were supposed to do two drawings of the tricycle, but I had put so much effort into the first one that I just felt completely uninspired.  So, what did I decide to do?  Why I decided to draw with my left hand, of course!  And no, I am NOT left-handed.  The end result actually turned out pretty well.  Who'd have thought I could draw with my left hand?  I certainly never thought I could!  So, next time you're stuck on what to draw, you can always draw the same picture you'd already done, but this time do it with your non-dominant hand.

 The quality of this next photo is not great, but hopefully you get the idea that I drew a skull.  I THINK this piece is in watercolor, with some black gouache for the eyes, nose, mouth, and background.  If you don't know what gouache is, you can find a reasonable definition here on good old Wikipedia.

Hey look, I found some more!  

This is a heroic drawing (which basically means a blown up or larger than life drawing) of a ring I had.  It's done on Newsprint with black and white charcoal.  It's not super sophisticated; it's really just a quick sketch of the ring, really. 

This next drawing is also a heroic drawing.  This one is of a rubber band ball.  I know, you probably didn't guess that, because quite honestly, it doesn't really look like one, now does it?  The answer is no.  BUT, I had a lot of fun with it because I used oil pastels and then smeared the heck out of them.  It made for a pretty sweet effect.  

This next image is clearly a Jack Daniel's bottle.  I don't know, it might be a little hard to read on the computer, but that's definitely what it is!  How funny is it that on a dry campus you can go into the basic drawing room and find an entire table filled with alcohol bottles?  Anyways, I just used graphite pencil for this drawing.  

Finally, the bags.  There are two bags pictured here.  The first is a Hallmark bag that says, "Life is a Special Occasion."  It was done in oil pastels, which allowed me to mix a variety of different colors, such as blues, purples, and whites to create a more dynamic color scheme for the bag, instead of it just being a regular plain purple background.  The second bag (the one on the right) is a plain old jane old brown paper bag.  There was nothing really remarkable about it, but I decided to draw it anyways.  I do like working with monochromatic works, and so this was the perfect opportunity for me!.  The medium is watercolor.  

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